Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What does it take!!

OK bloggers of the internet. What does it take? The Kings are in a downward spiral, and look what Geoff is doing nothing!! People that are out there for the taking: Garnett and Gasol are on the block. Their teams want to trade these players. Give up everyone but K-Mart if needed. We need direction. That means the man at the helm of the ship has to go!! Get rid of Geoff already!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Kings need to come home

Remember that cartoon when the little boy got things messed up in history, then his mentor had to bring him home. Well that is what the Kings need right now. Last night against Detroit, the true Kings surfaced. By that, I mean no direction and lots of confusion. The Kings beat this same team a few weeks back in Arco, but yesterday, nothing. The entire starting team was confused, and the bench was even worse. That is with the exception of Corliss. None of the other Kings shot over 50%. So, as in the fable, it is time for this Kings team to return home. But, New Jersey and Milwaukee? This if ever, is the time to come back. They need the crowd to be on their feet, they need the Arco thunder back, they need direction. They are in every game but the last one, but that shows that the Kings are no longer in the elite of the NBA, but a midcard team.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Kings need a bomb!

Oh My Kings. Now the coach says to the world, that someone picked the starting five, but the front office says, that is wrong. Agents coming forward to say, hey, why are my guys not even playing? Or better yet practicing! Last year, we were beating down the doors for the playoffs. Now we are on the outside looking in. We will take out the Celtics, but beyond that, we are in trouble. A road game to Detroit, Artest coming back to where it all began. C-Webb playing on the other side! My oh my. So lets hope we can roll up a Pierce-less Celtics and maybe we are looking at something in Detroit. I still say, lets get rid of Geoff!

Monday, January 15, 2007

What is wrong with the Kings?

Well for the most part people here in the Capital City say, blow the Kings up. Start over. Why? The team is in a three year "Blow Up" so why do it more? New Coach, New Path, New Ideas? We have it. It started with the termination of Vlade and Jason Williams, then came Doug Cristie, Bobby Jackson, then C-Webb and then to end it all, Peja. So, as before we were breaking the door in on the NBA finals, now, it looks like we wont get in the Playoffs. So some say, lets let Geoff and Eric rebuild this team? Why he already did and look where we are at!!!