Thursday, March 22, 2007

Artest Pleads Not Guilty

Well it is 9 minutes after 9, just got out of the zoo at the Auburn County Courthouse, and Ron Artest pleaded not guilty to all four charges. There is a hearing date on April 5th, to discuss the restraining order, but Ron was given peaceful communication via email and phone to his family. I am guessing this means his kids. Well now it is in the legal system. I am still thinking this will not go to court with his ex-wife's equal problems of domestic violence and there is kids involved. And now, the Kings must face Phoenix, and we are in trouble.....

Sunday, March 11, 2007

When do we say enough is enough

As a Kings fan and a Ron Artest fan, I have to say, when is enough. As fans we are the biggest hypocrites in the world. We will say oh, Ron is an idiot, Ron is this, but when he scores points to win a game or grabs a rebound to hold the lead all is forgiving. And it just isn't Ron. Look at Sean Taylor, Ray Lewis, Steve Gavery and the list goes on and on. And then Marques Vick. There is a piece of trash that has no business playing in the NFL. He doesn't belong in a uniform, getting paid a NFL Contract, or watching a game. You also have Cris Carter who was booted out of Ohio State for gambling, then the NFL throws a supplemental draft to get him in the NFL. If Ray Lewis never played an NFL down, would we have known? I never did, and the league is just fine without me, so it would be just fine without Ray Lewis, Vick or Taylor. So why stop at Ron Artest.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Ron Artest and the Kings

The thing to remember here, is that you have to say, wait, lets see what the courts do. Facts, and history says Artest is a bad man, but why? Until two days ago, I didnt even know his wife was there. So, why was he blamed for his dog not eating when he was out of town. What about the busted windshield? She admitted to doing it on the 911 call. Yet Ron was arrested. Not saying that Ron is a great man. But, lets see what happens. Yet, some local announcers here, say things about Ron, but Eric Mussleman goes and comes up with a boo-boo so he dosnt have to do his community service with the Orange Jump Suit.

We will forgive Ron-Ron, as we did Lawrence Taylor, Kobe Bryant, Bruce Smith, Rey Lewis and others who are stupid enough to think they are all better than everyone else and does stupid things. So, please just wait this out. As we need Ron. And actually, he needs us right now.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Sorry for the month off, lets talk Football

Well, for today my Kings are doing well, or were, as Ron-Ron got arrested for domistic violence today. That hurts alittle. But this week, my god, the NFL is blasting us with the Rookie Combine and workouts. Rookies, Rookies, Rookies. Most wont ever amount to anything as they only follow the big names, while the 5th/6th round pick is going to be somebody and flying under the Radar. Watch out for the Texas boys, Aaron Ross a great DB and Micheal Griffin a free safety with attitude, and Justin Blalock an offensive tackle who just may end up with the Raiders. One of the best linemen in the combine, some compare him to Joe Thomas, so a great high second round pick! Keep looking and I will have some more news about the Draft and the Kings....
My #1 pick of the draft, Adrian Peterson the Raiders need a playmaker. And he is the guy!