Wednesday, November 22, 2006

When is it Geoff Petrie's Fault

When do my Sacramento Kings look to Geoff Petrie as the problem of the Kings. The mighty Kings front office have gotten rid of one of the premier NBA coaches at the end of last season in Rick Adelman. Why lack of defensive coaching. Now, what are we lacking?? And Mussleman was at a loss of offense so he went to a scheme that was succesful under Addlemen.

So the best owners in the world get rid of the best coach in the world. The family decided to do this in talks with Geoff Petrie. Have you ever been in a meeting at work, where you boss goes, something is wrong with the team. And the one guy on the bubble goes, yeah it is John Smith's fault. As I do one heck of a job, elbows and wrenches into the mix, while Smitty keeps us down. I think that is how the meeting with the Maloof's went. What has Geoff done?

He didn't bring us Artest. He needed defensive help so who did he go after? Ben Wallace? Nope, John Salmons and Loren Woods. Between the two them they equal one mediocre player. Combined, they averaged 9.8 pts per game and 6.8 rebounds. So we get rid of Bonzi Wells. In a Kings Uniform he averaged 7 boards and 13.6 pts per game. OK, so he isnt off to a fast start in Houston, but, Sacramento turned Weber into a Superstar, and Ron Artest has a new NBA life as the Poster Boy for Sacramento. I am not saying this is a turning ground, but, Arco has this mystique about it that brings out the best.

Then our coach, great guy, just a looser everywhere he has been. So will Arco do him justice? Like C-Web and Ron-Ron. Lets see, we trampled the mediocre, and lost to the all mighty. Is his excuse that Miller is hurt? Miller is not known for his defensive and the offense is hot with K-Mart leading the way. Only time will tell.

But as I said when is it Geoff's fault?

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