Saturday, December 23, 2006

Lets Talk Raiders

My whole life isn't based on the Sacramento Kings, although it could be. I am a Raider Season Ticket Holder, and I am looking at next year and the draft. The Raiders with the best defense in my black hole kinda mind, is looking pretty bleak. They need an explosion and start over on the O side of the ball. I hear things like lets get a new QB. Well we have three. Brooks, the leader, Walter the new guy, and Touey the old guy who really was never given a chance. So bring in a four? Will he help the team? I say lets trade the pick get a whole new offensive line. Or maybe, draft a big back out of college.

If we must draft a back, lets look to Northern Illinois. A new back who had not made much noise, but he leads the NCAA in rushing. A true senior, Garrett Wolfe. The man is a every day back. More of a tailback, kinda LT, Gayle Sayers kinda guy. Then get some O-Lineman. Veterans and rookies both. And Gallery, Moss, I have two words for ya: Bye-Bye

Friday, December 22, 2006

Ron Artest is he good or bad

So, Is Ron Ron a bad guy? That is latest buzz in the Capital City. He knee hurts and now he cant play. So he is all that is evil in our great city. The reason why we should get rid of him, lets tie him up to the cross and beat him. C-Webb, Miller, Peja, others, all OK. But Ron, the guy who played summer league, rookie camp, stayed around all summer long, captain of the team, is evil and rotten. We got what we asked for.

Nope, don't buy it. Ron is frustrated, he is upset. Cant guard two people at once he said as someone asked how a shot was made. Ron is the Kings. Maybe this time we should listen. When we win, we say Yea see that. When we loose, it is lets get rid of him, he is a bum. Sports doesn't change much from city to city. We just all look at it alittle different. Me, lets listen to him and change things, he got us in the playoff's last year. Almost on his own......

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Iverson and the Kings

Well Denver pulled off a huge blockbuster trade. Getting Allen Iverson. For what? Two first round picks and a never was. C-Webb will fill the void until the three first round picks come of age. How does this relate to the Kings? Geoff Petrie is how. Once again, big Geoff, did nothing. But he is the man who built the Kings. He got rid of his coach, and look at our Kings. Some say it is the schedule. Well with Rick, we had the same schedule. The teams that rolled in this past two weeks are Western Teams. We play them all year long. So you have to have a team that can (1) keep up, or (2) Defend them. Get Allen would have been a mistake. But depth in the bench, and some Defense help. Where are you Geoff? We are waiting. Now you have The Suns and Nuggets with a offense we cant stop, the Laker's with Kobe we cant stop, The Jazz, we have problems with, The Spurs, we cant beat, so what are you doing ? Or better yet, why are you still here?

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Kings and the Two Step

I am trying my best to give Mussleman a chance, but someone has to tell me how Kevin Martin last night led the team in scoring, then didn't get a second look? Also, why didn't he play at the end of the game. The reserves did great against the Dallas Reserves. So why not play K-Mart. it wasn't like he was tired as he was on the bench alot! And ever since he was proclaimed on the NBA website as a front runner with the most improved player of the year, he is now a non-role player.

This is a sign of Geoff Petrie and the lack of work he has done in the off season. The team looks the same, the big thing is yea he added a few players, but they took place of the people who are gone. Same look, same outcome. Also, I don't see the Kings pushing the fans to vote for him to go to the All Star Game. Some say that is cheap, but look at Yao Ming, he is the number one vote getter in the league. I wonder why???? If we have the best fans in the league, why don't we show it.

So again, I say BYE-BYE Geoff, we now know it wasn't you that made the Greatest Show on Earth, it was luck.....