Saturday, December 23, 2006

Lets Talk Raiders

My whole life isn't based on the Sacramento Kings, although it could be. I am a Raider Season Ticket Holder, and I am looking at next year and the draft. The Raiders with the best defense in my black hole kinda mind, is looking pretty bleak. They need an explosion and start over on the O side of the ball. I hear things like lets get a new QB. Well we have three. Brooks, the leader, Walter the new guy, and Touey the old guy who really was never given a chance. So bring in a four? Will he help the team? I say lets trade the pick get a whole new offensive line. Or maybe, draft a big back out of college.

If we must draft a back, lets look to Northern Illinois. A new back who had not made much noise, but he leads the NCAA in rushing. A true senior, Garrett Wolfe. The man is a every day back. More of a tailback, kinda LT, Gayle Sayers kinda guy. Then get some O-Lineman. Veterans and rookies both. And Gallery, Moss, I have two words for ya: Bye-Bye

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