Thursday, January 31, 2008

Where are the Fans??

I was watching the Sacramento Kings last night, and again, an empty house. So where are the fans? I heard a local radio host talk about going to Ticket Master, and purchasing two tickets to the Cowboys-Giants playoff game. So where are the fans? I have a few thoughts.
1) The fans, just cant afford the season ticket. The prices have gone up, and wages have gone down, you say no. I received a 4.5% raise last year. A good wage increase. My health Insurance cost went up 6%, and the price of gas went up 20%. I think this is the biggest factor.
2) My god, what does it take to get a player off the field. Players feel they are special, carry guns, walk around with gangs, or sorry, their people. Shoot themselves up with Steriods, drugs, and even murder people. But yet they still play. Just maybe us fans are sick of it!!
3) Marginal play. With so many players in the league, there is sub par play at the highest levels. People with contracts play even though the bench warmers are better.
4) With the cost of HD Televisions dropping like a rock, why not stay home, save the $300 dollars for a lower level seat and watch it at home, were the food is better, warmer, and no idiots yelling behind and in front of you...

Later all!

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