Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Order in Washington

Yesterday was the first day of the New Order in Washington, amazing that something as good as the Giants celebration of the first World Championship in the Bay area, as to the mess in Washington. My question that I have to ask, we wanted a new order to the old regime. Not a continuation of what is going on. The old regime is coming forward and saying the American Public wants change. Do you know the old guys is what screwed this country up? We refuse to put in a Christine O'Donnell yet we send back Barbara Boxer. The country has let the banks raise rates and fee's, yet they are threatening the raising of lower class taxes. Fox is wanting to raise the rate of cable and dish owners by $1.00 per household, while we just sit here and take it. The Commodities are sky rocketing, banks are getting their bonus structure raised. One person actually had the gaul to say that the bankers were promised those bonuses. Promised, what about our better tomorrow? What about our promise of a better future. More jobs? I guess that is OK, we are not in the social structure to understand. The Banks are what ruined and separated this country in a very short 8 years. Oil is being jacked up, and yet all we can say is, "My god what would have happened if O'donnel got elected? Really, is that all we can say? The unemployment rose this week by the way, while you know what? The Stock Market rose to a 2 year high, and gold and oil rose.  High 5's all around! You won.

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