Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Putnamanic Perspective in Merced Ca

I guess in today’s world, this is supposed to be the happiest times we get, the Holidays. Yesterday I went out, and picked up a couch from a dear friend who is limited on time. They wanted us to have this piece of furniture. I was saddened in a way because good people are supposed to always be here. But no one person can live forever. Some ways, with the economy going south, everything drying up, and the world in un-rest, what can Santa bring this year. As I just posted on my favorite blog site, I guess we all learn from that of a Putnamaniac. Sometimes life is good when it is right in front of you. It used to be, be blessed if you have a roof over your head. Now, it is be blessed as you if do not have doubt. I think the best way to get rid of doubt, go outside and look around and  enjoy the view. In the words of the All Knowing Ferris, Life moves pretty fast, if you dont stop and look at it, it will pass you by.

So my advice to you, is do not say life is bad, but look at the other side, life is really good. Bring two cans of good soup, not that can of 10 year old beans to the food bank today. And see why life is good. As in Putnam Connecticut , life is pretty good. Even in Merced Ca, highest unemployment in the nation. In Marcy’s response, why is that. Because of friends like Marcy who remind me how good it is to live where we live, and me giving something to the local food bank, that there is good things in this world, that will remove doubt from those who have to wonder, am I going to eat this holiday season....

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