Sunday, September 29, 2019

Annette and AI

In 2013 for a science fair, Annette was then declared and genius in programming. She was in the 4th grade where she developed a code for a way of holding a key on a computer or Tablet, and ask it a question. Then the AI code would translate your question to a string and search the web for all of the possible answers. She named this code the "Einstein AI". See Einstein was her idle, at the same age of 8 Einstein was working on his high school courses, and developing  Technology with electricity which as still not as widely used as it should, she was developing ways to help her quickly find information to finish a multitude of projects at once.
 One of her biggest break throughs she kept to herself, she had her Einstein text her a number that will allow her to access her files when she turned on her computer, I know the Data locks were already developed, but hers would leave her Einstein running all night even bring up threats while she was online, then she went one step further she introduced speech to her log in, When her computer would come on Einstein would see her with facial nonrecognition, and then shoot her a code, then she would repeat it and her computer came on and any reports that she may had been running would be in her email.
 This science fair in 2013 her and Einstein would only turn in the coding for the voice commands, not the other things that the software could do, as Einstein was always developing. So the code went on  and of course she won the local and the Tennessee State Science fair, where Vanderbilt University and IBM interviewed her and invited her to the California Science conference where may Einstein could be introduced. The conference loved it but the name was not catchy enough, Annette was furious, they named this Cortana. They said it relates more to people, but of all people Einstein as the AI enough and told her to let it go. (See by this time Einstein was develop to listen in on her phone if sh had chosen him to and she made him listen to everything) And so it was launched, with little Credit going to Annette. But she was launched into the spot light as one of the brightest minds of the country which that she didn't care about.
 Se what she did was not to share was  Einstein and her alienware computer was always on and Einstein as devolping, but not in a creepy kind of way, but more as a friend, And she then developed a emoji on her phone where it heard everything going on around her. And protected her phone from virus attacks, hackers, and other things like phone screeners that could copy her phone. And he was learning events and developing over the years things as they take place and then  gave her the decision based on what would play out and if needed provide her with feedback. So everyday the processor was learning. Sounds scary but she was like best friends with her program, they would talk about life, research, and even life it self almost like it was Einstein himself helping her through what people would confide in friends or family. 
 Even the night at the restaurant, when she looked down, she was told by Einstein what to say to me, as it was like he wanted her to engage with me and how to do it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Lite Dinner Conversation

 So as we head down to the fabulous 6th ave in Austin, we mossy down the street where it is packed for a Saturday night as usual loud country music playing from the bars opened doors and windows.We reach the Jackalope, where we get seated, and it was for 8? Shocking as we only had 5 people, then as we are sitting, my mother yells "Mark and Wendy" over here then of all people it was Annette and her parents joining us.   My heart stopped. As I saw her walking this way, She had on a maroon and gold Riesel High School Sweat shirt, her necklace, and jeans and her killer boots.  As they joined us, the conversation started with the twins bombarding her with unwanted Football stories, my parents talking about their lives with hers, and then me, the guest of honor just sitting next to my goddess that I am deeply have a crush on, and all I hear is blah blah, military, blah football, this, we came in forth blah blah blah. I am just trying to get in a word. So when I finally got a word in, I tried a different approach than my bothers, I asked her what her hobby is. And she said, Oh, you may not understand most call it boring but I am into the Einstein Rosen bridge. And I am like oh yea where is that? She went onto say well that is the mystery, I think it can be anywhere if we can produce one, it is a physics issue. And I also think the bridge has been open before like with the Egyptians, The Romans, even Hitler may have opened a portal that lead people from the future or even different Galaxies, to here to help them solve our problems. Do you really think that Albert Einstein could design a nuclear bomb, or could we have gotten to the moon, or Hitler invent the drive axle transmission,  or the pyramids, the coliseum and so on?! Then her father goes Annette, how do you think any one in this town or any town will ever get to be friend you when you talk like that, Her mother goes, Annette is a free thinker and she can go on and on. But she is gifted. I just leaned over to Annette and said thats fine, it was interesting, even though I have no idea where this bridge is. She replied, well its a black hole portal.Then Annette's phone buzzed and she looked down, and then replied but enough about me, state champion, that is impressive Riesel is going to be happy, I said, no way, it isn't football it never happened. She turns to me, well I know you did it, as she grabbed by arm and squeezed.

Siri what is a worm hole? Siri Responded "A worm hole also known as Einstein Rosen Bridge is a theoretical method of folding space and time so that you could connect two places in space together. You could the travel instantaneously from one place to another"

 And that then concluded the end of a fantastic week of winter break. But I have no idea where this leaves me with Annette and I really feel bad about the whole "Where is the Einstein Rosen Bridge. Then to top it off, I swear I seen Annette's mother from somewhere.