Wednesday, September 25, 2019

My Book Page 2 or 1

Taking advice from a book reader my Book started in the middle of my thought. So now I start my book.

 Ok my name is John Williams and it is the fall of 2017 and a new school year started in Riesel Texas a population of just over 1000 people. My father is a power plant control room operator here at the Sandy Creek Power Plant. He is a typical dad or typical in my world as he is the only dad I know. He got out of the military which he is angry about in 1999. The military cut backs forced him out due to base closing and him being from Rhode Island he opted to move to a place where any place who would hire him. And that was here in Riesel Texas, he got a job at Lake Creek Power Plant, which then closed and in 2012 he got a job at Sandy Creek. He started drinking a lot in 2001 like many others started going to Oakley’s Bar. Where he started the fine art of Drinking and playing darts. Then he married my mother and bought a house and started his family, then in 2002 he had me. So fast forward to now I am the oldest of two brothers and a sister. My two brothers play the Texas Sport known as football and my sister is a cheerleader for the sport. Which we are the Riesel Indians, Football is a way of life in Texas. Me I am a tweener in school, that is in between a nerd and a jock. I take Karate and Wrestling, and I represent 3 others in wrestling. My mother who works at Oakley’s is the driver and we have to find opponents in Waco to wrestle. My father he really doesn’t care but Friday nights when my brothers play is a bothersome. Our school doesn’t have many students, so even freshman who suck at football make the team, and my other brother who is a twin is slightly better. So taking away his drinking is not fun but he loves my mom and he will do anything she asks.

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