Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Putnamanic Perspective in Merced Ca

I guess in today’s world, this is supposed to be the happiest times we get, the Holidays. Yesterday I went out, and picked up a couch from a dear friend who is limited on time. They wanted us to have this piece of furniture. I was saddened in a way because good people are supposed to always be here. But no one person can live forever. Some ways, with the economy going south, everything drying up, and the world in un-rest, what can Santa bring this year. As I just posted on my favorite blog site, I guess we all learn from that of a Putnamaniac. Sometimes life is good when it is right in front of you. It used to be, be blessed if you have a roof over your head. Now, it is be blessed as you if do not have doubt. I think the best way to get rid of doubt, go outside and look around and  enjoy the view. In the words of the All Knowing Ferris, Life moves pretty fast, if you dont stop and look at it, it will pass you by.

So my advice to you, is do not say life is bad, but look at the other side, life is really good. Bring two cans of good soup, not that can of 10 year old beans to the food bank today. And see why life is good. As in Putnam Connecticut , life is pretty good. Even in Merced Ca, highest unemployment in the nation. In Marcy’s response, why is that. Because of friends like Marcy who remind me how good it is to live where we live, and me giving something to the local food bank, that there is good things in this world, that will remove doubt from those who have to wonder, am I going to eat this holiday season....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Order in Washington

Yesterday was the first day of the New Order in Washington, amazing that something as good as the Giants celebration of the first World Championship in the Bay area, as to the mess in Washington. My question that I have to ask, we wanted a new order to the old regime. Not a continuation of what is going on. The old regime is coming forward and saying the American Public wants change. Do you know the old guys is what screwed this country up? We refuse to put in a Christine O'Donnell yet we send back Barbara Boxer. The country has let the banks raise rates and fee's, yet they are threatening the raising of lower class taxes. Fox is wanting to raise the rate of cable and dish owners by $1.00 per household, while we just sit here and take it. The Commodities are sky rocketing, banks are getting their bonus structure raised. One person actually had the gaul to say that the bankers were promised those bonuses. Promised, what about our better tomorrow? What about our promise of a better future. More jobs? I guess that is OK, we are not in the social structure to understand. The Banks are what ruined and separated this country in a very short 8 years. Oil is being jacked up, and yet all we can say is, "My god what would have happened if O'donnel got elected? Really, is that all we can say? The unemployment rose this week by the way, while you know what? The Stock Market rose to a 2 year high, and gold and oil rose.  High 5's all around! You won.

Friday, October 22, 2010

How did the .Coms turn into the next best thing, again...

A few days ago, I read an article about people who have reached a million dollars at a very young age. One person of course, is the founder of facebook. The other people on the list, one young lady created a, where people can post pictures of themselves and friends in the current year of school. Others have started a bike shop on line, and on and on. Well, if a person wants to buy a bike, why not go to the bike store instead of waiting for shipping, if a person wants to see themselves in their current school year with a bunch of friends, why not buy a yearbook? What I am noticing about social networking, it only will attract who you want it to attract.

During the mid to late 90's, I was on this soap box. Why is the .Coms doing so well in the stock exchange today? History was not long ago opened to the public at approx 45-65 dollars per share and in two short years they were out of a job. Today facebook is valued well over 33.7 billion dollars, when they do not have one public share. Why? They do not make anything, sell anything, fix anything. But, a place to put down weather you like a restaurant, movie, tv show, your blog, a place to play farmville, is worth more than the doctor who is treating AIDS? Yet again as in the 90's, this will come to a screeching and drastic halt.

Are we ready for large scale investors to open up their private investments and see they are worth nothing? The 401k's, IRA's took the hit with the dot com failures. This time it is individuals who say they have so much money they can tie it up. 2% share of a dot com like facebook is worth more than a hospital saving car accident victim's. The amount of money people pour into a should really go to a place where we can appreciate it, the American Cancer Research, the NFL Youth Play for 30, or something that is useful. Not a place to say weather or not they like my blog.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Weekend and Me

So this weekend between work and football, this is a fine juggling act, with me living in Calif, the whole sporting world starts at 9 am out here. I came into this thing at first liking what I was doing. But as the website started growing, things got hectic. When I am on nights, the balancing act is sleeping, or waking up to catch my favorite football team at 1130 on a college game day, then take a power nap. Of course the later is the better. Sleep at times can be so over-rated.

Then comes the Pro Day on Sunday. Same thing? But with the hatred of the Pro's and the owners, sometimes, sleep is better. Doze in and out with my little 27" HD in the bedroom, nap all day. Check my fantasy players on the Android App. Life is better today than when I was a kid. I used to have to wait for the scores to flash on my 12" Black and White TV every 15 or 20 minutes, if I blink, I would miss the score. Today, Red Zone, Android Apps, and even TV, the NFL Network, I can know up to the minute what is going on.

I know I am getting old, I remember when my dad turned 50. But the TV wasn't much different than when he was a kid. A big antenna on the roof. Local Channels, we used to dream about getting a New York Channel on those right stormy days. I guess the big thing for him was watching Live TV. But Today, 100's of channels and sports. I love College Football Game day much more than the pro's. Watching all of the games from coast to coast. Live TV 24/7, news as it happens. Apps, internet sites, up to the second scoring. Wow. Do we even need a TV anymore?

Well, I guess it is off to work, I will update my fantasy team on my phone as the computer is off ;limits to non work issues. If I need to, I can Wi-Fi my phone or use my laptop. Who needs the company computer. I have an Android and a Mac Book. I can only wonder my my children will have when they are 50. I will pnder my TV question tonight.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What is a good Top 25

When the AP posts their Top 25 that is the standard. Well until about 8 years ago when someone invented the BCS. So why isn't my Top 25 rated that highly? I had Alabama ranked longer than any other poll. I now have a small school ranked at Number 1. I guess I do not understand the love of the Buckeye. They have lost in most of the major bowls in the past several years. So why the jump to Number 1 or yet even have them at #2?

Last year, the BCS upset me when they matched the two BCS Busters against each other. Florida got by with a bye in their bowl game, while Boise State and TCU had to play each other. This year, a Big 12 BCS team may fall the same plight. Nebraska is going to try to take out the Big 12, but unlike Alabama, if Nebraska fails one time, they are out of the BCS contest. Bama in my twisted mind, could win out and win the SEC Title game, and still remain in the BCS Championship.

Last thing I need to touch on, this whole John Elway thing, how can a guy be so smart yet so stupid? I see this time and time again, these guys give thousands to millions away to unknown. Well if you know anyone with a couple 10 thousand dollars, have him invest in me!! I am always looking.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What have I learned?

Today, I was waiting at a local bank to open an account, when low and behold, I was reading fortune magazine. On the cover was the Down Fall of Google. How can a website loose it touch? The article even read that 65% of all searches comes from Google. That means what ever is left, gets the rest. Google has its own platform for cell phones, Android, it owns YouTube, plus a bunch of other items that generates web buzz including blogger! So, why is Google Done? What determines that a search engine that I actually respect, who is now a verb, that its run is over? They talked about Facebook. OK, first four years ago, it was MySpace, 8 years ago, it was classmates. So why would I believe that Google is going downhill? Just because a magazine says they are? The search engine platform like Yahoo, is a joke. They are into news and sports. Pay for stories. Google has been the standard in search platform, they are really the best in getting website advertising with google adsense. People have talked about Facebook fan sites, I have yet to have a hit from their add formats. Why is this? They overload pages with several adds at once.

But anyway, back to Sports. Barry Zito. The Z man is out for the playoffs! How can the highest paid roster player be off the roster? I just wonder if he is going to be paid? Well, keep following my blogs on the for other sports blogs. Thanks for following me!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Today, I am born again in Social Media

In 2008 when I started the website website, a lot has happened. Everything has come to ahead now that Social Networking has come out and will be sweeping the theaters this week. I learned one way to get into the systems and minds of people is to go deep into the boundaries of the law, hack into email storage locations and get other people who were on the fringe of breaking down the barriers of legal and illegal operations.

I saw the movie yesterday, The Social Network, went to a unadvertised theater that was showing the movie, and to my surprise, only four people including myself was there. I seen how he did it, and I seen what happened along the way to 500 Million people. What I was surprised was the key to the explosion of Facebook's was really Shawn Fanning. The idea wasn't his, but his experience, although may be changed for movies, was the key to the start up of the Facebook. He told the team to be careful of the crooks and pirates, although he was wanting more than what he was offered. He became what he was preventing Mark from getting into with other people.

But my attempt in the social networking starts today, and the one thing I can say, that the Facebook is now considered a tool to get other companies in the forefront of the business world. I will use this to get my people who may tell 2 more people about my site. The difference is I am attempting to get the people who uses sports as myself, as an outlet of life. I want my brand out their.

So people of the bloggisphere my Product line is "The Sports Super Genius" and here is my story. And I am looking for people who want to be a part of the new way of communicating to join me. Send me your stories, rants, raves, or what ever you want. You may get paid for that view. Welcome to the rebirth of the Sports Super Genius. A website and podcast about you and your views.
